Know who you are
“There’re people who are allegedly successful, they are the top of their field, they make a lot of money, maybe there’re famous, whatever, and these people aren’t very happy. Well, then are they successful?”
-Dr. Frederick Lenz-
” I think the reason that someone isn’t happy when they are successful is that they don’t know who they are. And if you don’t know who you are is pretty hard to do what you should do.”
-Dr. Frederick Lenz-
“For one person success is being a mountain climber, for someone else it’s having a family and taking care of the kids. For somebody else success is making a great deal money, for someone else success is succeeding in athletics, being Michael Jordan, being the greatest athlete, number one. I think the key to success is knowing who you are. Because if you become successful in a way that’s not appropriate to yourself, then you’ll never be happy.”
-Dr. Frederick Lenz-
You can tell when you’re successful because you are happy… and when you do what fascinates you, you find that it’s fun, work becomes play.
“I hear so often people say I hate my job, I hate my life, I hate everything, hate, hate, hate, and I think the reason people feel that way is because they don’t know who they are. That is to say if you pick a career, an activity that really isn’t align with who you are, then I don’t think you’ll ever be happy no matter how successful you become.
..what success is really about, it’s being who you are and despite all opposition, allowing yourself to be that and express your true nature in your day-to-day activities.
..I think every person who has ever been a great success, became a great success because they found out who they were before they went and did what they did.”