“The key to success is knowing who you are, trusting and believing in your dream; you have to have a dream. If you don’t have a dream I don’t really think you’re alive.”
-Dr. Frederick Lenz-
Success is understanding that you have a dream inside you. You have to find it if you don’t know it yet and then you have to let it come out, you have to let it develop and become the fabric of your life.
“You need to have a dream. The day you loose your dream is the day you die, I don’t care how many years you’re alive walking around on he Earth, I don’t care how well you’re dressed, how many cars you have, how much money you have in the bank, if you don’t have a dream, you don’t have a life.
And your dream has to be something that inspires you, that causes you to get up in the morning and say:
I like my life. It’s challenging, it’s tough, it’s hard. But I like my life.
I get up in the morning not because I can’t sleep anymore, but there’s something I want to do.”
-Dr. Frederick Lenz-
“Success is not getting to a certain point in life, success is having a dream and following that dream and believing in that dream despite all obstacles.
And aware enough to know that a dream is no longer working. We need to switch dream. We change, we evolve. When our dreams change, we go with that new dream.
Success comes from being excited.
And if your dream changes, be brave enough to admit it if it’s not making you happy anymore.”
-Dr. Frederick Lenz-
“If you’re sitting down to the typewriter and you’ve written ten great books and you’re writing the eleventh and you’re looking for that feeling again and it’s not there, maybe it’s time to do something else. Maybe it’s time to find success in another way.
Maybe you’ve evolved as a person and now success is drawing you to a new dream. And have the courage to change, to follow your dreams.
And I think then you’ll not only be a dreamer, but your life will become a dream, and that dream is your personal success, your personal happiness.
To me that’s what success is really about, it’s being who you are and despite all opposition, allowing yourself to be that and express your true nature in your day-to-day activities. “
-Dr. Frederick Lenz-
Success is understanding that you have a dream inside you.
You need a dream, and then you need a way to fulfill that dream. You need a practical way to go about making that dream real.
How you translate the dream into the reality?